Under the Radar
prolongé jusqu'au 30.8.2020
L’architecture ne se conçoit pas dans un espace vide. Elle s’intègre dans un espace plus vaste qui est principalement défini par les facteurs politiques et économiques. «L’architecture» de ce territoire est plus généralement définie sans le concours d’architectes. Et pourtant, ou peut être justement à cause de ce fait, les architectes souhaitent aujourd'hui étudier les processus qui influencent ces espaces territoriaux. Dans son exposition «Under the Radar», le S AM présente les aspects marquants de ces travaux d’étude au niveau international. Les éléments exposés démontrent, chacun à sa manière, que l’architecture ne se cantonne pas à la seule construction de bâtiments, mais qu’elle englobe également l’analyse des territoires dans lesquels se place le bâti.
L'exposition ont été soutenues par:
Sulger Stiftung
Hans und Renée Müller-Meylan Stiftung
S AM supporters:
Abteilung Kultur des Kantons Basel-Stadt
Christoph Merian Stiftung
S AM sponsors:
ComputerWorks AG
Zumtobel Licht AG
Truninger AG
S AM partenaires:
SIA Schweizerischer Ingenieur und Architektenverein
Levante Software
Karl Bubenhofer AG
S AM partenair média:
Accompanying Programme
15/11/2019: 7 PM
Public opening With speeches in German by Andreas Ruby, Director S AM, Andreas Kofler, Curator S AM, Marcel Hagmann, Member of the Executive Management of Amnesty International Switzerland
24/11/2019, 11–12.30 AM
Family Sunday
Tour for parents and workshop for
children aged 5-11
Language: German
Admission: children CHF 5, adults CHF 20
28/11/2019, 7 PM
‹Of Superbugs and Secret Zones›
Lectures by Keller Easterling, architect, author and professor at Yale University School of Architecture, and Xenia Vytuleva, architectural historian and curator, discussion moderated by Andreas Ruby, Director S AM
Location: Ackermannshof, St. Johanns-Vorstadt 21, Basel
Admission: CHF 12 (red. CHF 8)
Supported by: Hans und Renée Müller-Meylan Stiftung
5/12/2019, 23/1/, 20/2/ & 12/3/2020: 6 PM
Public guided tours in German except for 20/2/2020 English
Admission: CHF 12 (red. CHF 8)
Tour free
17/1/2020, 6 PM – 2 AM
Museum Night
Guided tours, participatory performance,
workshop ‘Passport – The Right to the World’,
Language: German
5/2/2020: 10–12 AM
Wednesday matinée in the S AM
Language: German
Admission: CHF 10 (red. CHF 5)
5/2/2020, 12.15–12.45 PM
mimiko (Wednesday lunchtime concert)
With the percussionists Fabio Da Silva, Mikołaj Rytowski, Zacarias Maia and Pedro Tavares: ‘Urban space, sound, silence – 3 × 4′33″’
A collaboration between: mimiko, Basel Academy of Music (Prof. Christian Dierstein) and S AM
Language: German
Location: Offene Kirche Elisabethen, Elisabethenstrasse 14, Basel
Admission: free (donations welcome)
Further information: mimiko.ch
13/2/2020, 7 PM
‹Handbook of Tyranny›
Lecture by Theo Deutinger, architect and author, followed by a conversation with Finn Canonica, editor-in-chief of ‘Das Magazin’
Language: German
Location: Ackermannshof, St. Johanns-Vorstadt 21, Basel
Admission: CHF 12 (red. CHF 8)
24/2/2020, 4–6 PM
Short lectures by Theo Deutinger / Andreas Kofler, conversation between Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Prof. Milica Topalovic, Andreas Ruby
Short lectures by Theo Deutinger, architect and author, and Andreas Kofler, Curator S AM, followed by a conversation between Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, architect and designer; Prof. Milica Topalovic, ETH Zurich; and Andreas Ruby, Director S AM. Organised as part of the lecture series ‘Sessions on Territory – Urbanism Beyond Technofix, Technology’ by the ETH Zurich Department of Architecture’s Architecture of Territory chair
Location: ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, Zurich
Admission: free
Further information: topalovic.arch.ethz.ch