09.11.2013 - 09.03.2014

Lookout. Architecture with a view

With the exhibition «Lookout. Architecture with a View» an entire exhibition is dedicated to lookout architecture for the first time. Lookout Architecture – a building category that emerged during the touristic allotment of the countryside in the 19th Century– has become more popular in different countries and continents over the last few years. On the one hand lookout towers have emerged as visitation platforms in inner-city transformation zones. On the other hand, these towers gain a new significance through the ecological interest in nature. The interest in spectacular star-architecture, also lead to the erection of look-out-towers in recent years.

The exhibition in the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum shows a panorama of architectural interventions of the gaze onto the landscape, from the last 15 years. Particular attention is given staged touristic landscapes such as the Nasjonale Turistveger in Norway or the Ruta del Peregrino in Mexico.

Exhibition Design:

Holzer Kobler Architekturen


BIG Bjarke Ingels Group, Corinna Menn, Didier Faustino / Mésarchitecture, Günter Zamp Kelp, Heike Mutter & Ulrich Genth, J. MAYER H. Architects, Jensen & Skodvin Arkitektkontor, Kirchspitz Architekten + Ingenieure, LAAC Architekten, Studio Mario Botta, MVRDV, SeARCH, terrain:loenhart&mayr, UNStudio, Wilkinson Eyre Architects.

There is a catalogue accompanying the exhibition published by the Christoph Merian Verlag.

The exhibition is supported by:

Kultur Basel-Stadt
Pro Helvetia
SWISSLOS/Kulturförderung, Kanton Graubünden
SWISSLOS/Conseil du Jura bernois
Kanton Uri
Gemeinde Flims
Gemeinde Gosdorf


Upcoming exhibitions

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SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook

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