

For more information, you are welcome to contact us directly.
Please note that only journalists are permitted to download and use the press images, and only if copyright information is included.

Please also pay attention to the correct diction of our institution:
S AM Swiss Architecture Museum

Elena Fuchs
T: +41 (0)61 261 14 13

5/4/ - 14/9/2025
Vernissage: 4/4/2025, 7 PM
Press tour:  4/4/2025, 11 AM, Registration: here

What Was Could Be: Experiments Between Preservation and Architecture

Press material: here

19/10/2024 - 16/03/2025
Vernissage: 18/10/2024, 7 PM
Press tour: 18/10/2024, 11 AM, Registration: here

Soft Power: The Brussels Way of Making the City

Press material: here

Opening: 24/5/2024, 7 PM
Press tour: 24/5/2024, 11 AM, registration: here

Sign of the Times:
Recent Projects frim the SIA Master's Prize

Press material (German, English): here

Opening: 24/11/2023, 7 PM
Press tour: 24/11/2023, 11 AM, registration: here

What if
Unbuilt Architecture in Switzerland

Press material (German, English): here

Opening: 8/9/2023, 7 PM (S AM)
Book Launch: 8/9/2023, 5.15–7 PM, (Theater Basel, Foyer Public)
Press tour: 8/9/2023, 11 AM, registration: here

SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook 2023

Press material (German, English)  from 8/9/2023, 11 AM: here

Media Release 16/5/2023

SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook
For the first time, Switzerland has its own architecture yearbook. Properly Swiss – in English and three national languages. 
SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook will be released biennially from 2023 onwards. Curated by the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum and the magazine werk, bauen+wohnen.
An accompanying travelling exhibition will start on the 8th of September 2023 at the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum. This will promote discussion of the book's content in Switzerland and abroad, fuelling the debate on Swiss architecture.

Press material: here

Opening: 31/3/2023, 7 PM
Press tour: 31/3/2023, 11 AM, registration: here

Homo Urbanus –
A Citymatographic Odyssey by Bêka & Lemoine

Press material (German, English): here

Opening: 11/11/2022, 7 PM
press tour: 11/11/2022, 11 AM, Registration: here

Make Do With Now:
New Directions in Japanese Architecture

Press material (German, English, Japanese): here

Opening: 2/9/2022, 7 PM
press tour: 2/9/2022, 11 AM, registration: here

Die Schweiz: Ein Abriss

Press material (German, English): here

Public Preview: 11/5/2022, 6-8 PM
Opening: 11/5/2022, 8 PM
press tour:: 11.5.2022, 11 AM, Registration: here

Napoli Super Modern

Press material (German, English): here

20/11/2021 - 24/11/2022
Opening: 19/11/2021, 7 PM
press tour: 19/11/2021, 11 AM, registration: here


Press material (German, English, French): here
Press text Panel Discussion ‘The Future of Concrete’, 27.1.2022: here

20/3/ - 15/8/2021
Public Preview with Director's Tour (live stream) 19/3/2021, 7 PM
press tour: 19/3/2021, 11 AM, registration: here

Access for All. São Paulo’s architectural infrastructures

Press material: here

11.- 27.9.2020
Presserundgang: 10.9.2020, 11 Uhr, Anmeldung: hier

Forum Städtebau «Basel 2050»

Pressematerial: hier



S AM Press Release 5/5/2020

Exhibition ‹Under the Radar›: extended until 30/8/2020  
Urban Development Forum ‹Basel 2050›: 11/ - 27/9/2020
Exhibition ‹Tsuyoshi Tane: Archaeology of the Future›: 17/10/2020 - 28/2/2021 
press material: here

23/1/2020, 10 AM, registration: here

S AM annual media briefing 2020

Exhibition «Archaeology of the Future» 4/4/–30/8/2020: Duration TBC
Urban Development Forum «Basel 2050» 11/9/–27/9/2020
Exhibition «Beton» 17/10/2020–11/4/2021
press material: here

16/11/2019- 15/3/2020
Opening: 15/11/2019, 7 PM
press tour: 15/11/2019, 11 AM, registration: here

Under the Radar

Press material: here

15.- 27.10.2019
Vernissage: 14.10.2019, 19 Uhr
Presserundgang: 14.10.2019, 11 Uhr, Anmeldung: hier

35 Jahre S AM

Pressematerial: hier

25/5/- 29/9/2019
Opening: 24/5/2019, 7 PM
press tour: 24/5/2019, 11 AM, registration: here

Swim City

press material: here




31/1/2019, 10 am, registration: here

S AM annual media briefing 2019

Exhibition «Swim City» 25/5/-29/9/2019
Ausstellung «Under the Radar» 16/11/2019-15/3/2020
press material: here

24/11/2018- 5/5/2019
Opening: 23/11/2018, 7 PM
press tour: 23.11.2018, 11 AM, registration: here

Dichtelust - Forms of urban coexistence in Switzerland

press material: here

29/9/- 4/11/2018
Opening: 28/9/2018, 7PM

press tour: 28/9/2018, 11AM, registration: here


press material: here


7/7/- 16/09/2018
Vernissage: 6/7/2018, 7PM

press tour: 6/7/2018, 11AM, registration: here

Portrait of a Landscape

press material: here


Medienmitteilung des Vereins #Kulturerbe2018 Basel-Stadt

Pressematerial: hier

01/02/2018, 10 am

S AM annual media briefing 2018

press material: here

02/12/2017 - 06/05/2018
Opening: 01/12/2017, 7pm

press tour: 01/12/2017, 10 am, registration: here

Bengal Stream. The Vibrant Architecture Scene in Bangladesh

press material: here

01.09.2018, 10-18 Uhr, Landhof Basel, Riehenstrasse 78A, 4058 Basel

S AM Cup by Halter 2018

Der S AM Cup by Halter 2018 geht an restudio - das S AM Team gratuliert dem Gewinnerteam 2018 herzlich! 
In einem heiss umkämpften Finale schlugen sie das Team HDPF (Hamburger Du Pfammatter Ferrandiz AG) mit 1:0. Das Spiel um Platz 3 gewannen Herzog & de Meuron mit 4:2 gegen AS Selva (Luca Selva Architekten AG). 
Wir danken allen 24 Mannschaften, dem engagierten Publikum, den besonnenen Schiedsrichtern, unserem Stadionsprecher Kevin Müri, dem Team vom Landhof, den Samaritern vor Ort und unseren grossartigen Sponsoren für einen gelungenen Cup! 

Mannschaftsfotos: hier
(Fotos: Christian Santos)

01/07/ - 12/11/2017
Opening: 30/06/2017, 7pm

press tour: 30/06/2017, 11am, registration: here

in Land aus Land. Swiss Architects Abroad

presse material: here

20/05/ - 18/06/2017
Opening: 19/05/2017, 7pm

Forum Basel

press material: here

19/11/2016 - 07/05/2017
Opening: 18.11.2016, 7 PM
press meeting: 18.11.2016, 11 AM


Press material: here

01.11. - 17.11.2016
Vernissage: 01.11.2016, 18 Uhr

Imagine la Suisse

Animation teaser: hier
Pressematerial: hier