09.09. - 05.11.2023

SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook

For the first time, Switzerland has its own architecture yearbook. Properly Swiss – in English and three national languages. SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook! At last, the high quality of Swiss architecture and building culture will be tangibly showing its face on the international stage as well. In all its diversity. Be it urban or rural. Be it architecture from Ticino, Geneva, Basel, Aargau or Graubünden. From the large-scale pioneering project to the little innovation laboratory.
SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook will be released biennially from 2023 onwards. Curated by the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum and the magazine werk, bauen+wohnen.
An accompanying travelling exhibition started on the 8th of September 2023 at the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum. This promotes discussion of the book’s content in Switzerland and abroad, fuellings the debate on Swiss architecture.
What are the most urgent questions that Swiss architecture is addressing? Which projects from all over Switzerland provide the most convincing answers?
SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook is more than just a selection of the best. It is a confrontation with the questions that many people are facing after an almost thirty-year construction boom:

  • How do we find sustainable approaches to construction?
  • How can architecture be made compatible with the challenge of climate change?
  • How can top-quality urban density be achieved?
  • How do we preserve and transform our building stock?
  • What can be learnt from construction in Switzerland’s rural regions?
  • What can architecture contribute to the protection and value of landscape?
  • Where are Swiss architects building, worldwide?
  • How does Switzerland’s architecture present itself from a European perspective?

SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook is published once every two years, thus reflecting the current discourse each time.

Curators: Andreas Ruby and Yuma Shinohara
The exhibition will be presented in all regions of Switzerland during 2024 and 2025, taking the discourse to all parts of the country. We will publish the exact locations here.


36 Selected Projects

Ampliamento del centro scolastico / School Extension Viganello
Architettura / Architecture: Inches Geleta Architetti, Locarno

Avala House Belgrad / Avala House Belgrade, Belgrad, Serbien
Architektur / Architecture: TEN, Zürich/Belgrad

Synagoge Babyn Yar, Kiew / Babyn Yar Synagogue, Kyiv, Kiew, Ukraine
Architektur / Architecture: Manuel Herz Architects, Basel

Burggarta Valendas / Burggarta Valendas
Architektur / Architecture: Gion A. Caminada, Vrin

Bürohaus Küng Holzbau / Küng Holzbau Headquarters, Alpnach, Obwalden
Architektur / Architecture: Seiler Linhart Architekten, Sarnen/Luzern

Chamanna Cluozza / Chamanna Cluozza, Zernez, Graubünden
Architektur / Architecture: Capaul & Blumenthal architects, Ilanz/Glion

Gletschergarten Luzern / Gletschergarten Lucerne
Architektur / Architect: Miller & Maranta Architekten, Basel

FrauMünsterhof 2021 / FrauMünsterhof 2021, Zürich
Architektur / Architecture: Verein créatrices.ch und Professor Elli Mosayebi, ETH Zürich

Erneuerung Kongresshaus und Tonhalle / Kongresshaus Convention Hall and Tonhalle, Zürich
Architektur / Architecture: ARGE Boesch Diener – Elisabeth & Martin Boesch Architekten, Zürich / Diener & Diener Architekten, Basel

Haus aus Hanf / The Hemp House, Zagublica, Serbien
Architektur / Architecture: Bach Mühle Fuchs und Ljubica Arsić, Zürich

Zwei Heisse Brunnen / Two Hot Springs, Ennetbaden, Aargau
Architektur / Architecture: Verein Bagni Popolari, Baden; baubüro in situ, Zürich (Ausführung)

Ensemble de logements Pasodoble / Pasodoble Residential Ensemble, Lancy, Genève
Architecture / Architecture: NOMOS architects, Genève/Madrid/Lisbonne

Rénovation de la cité du Lignon / Renovation of the Lignon Complex, Vernier, Genève
Architecture / Architecture: Jaccaud + Associés, Genève

Casa Giuseppina e Casetta / Casa Giuseppina and Casetta, Mosogno, Ticino
Architettura / Architecture: squadra (Lian Liana Stähelin, Luca Bazelli) in collaborazione con Isabel Lehn-Blazejczak, Florian Stieger

Umbau Silo Erlenmatt / Transformation Erlenmatt Silo, Basel
Architektur / Architecture: Harry Gugger Studio, Basel

Stadtcasino Basel / Stadtcasino Basel
Architektur / Architecture: Herzog & de Meuron, Basel

Kinderspital Tambacounda / Pediatric Hospital Tambacounda, Tambacounda, Senegal
Architektur / Architecture: Manuel Herz Architects, Basel

Extension d’un immeuble d’habitation / Extension of an Apartment Building, Fribourg
Architecture / Architecture: Aviolat Chaperon Escobar architectes, Fribourg

Gallerie di protezione Alp Grüm / Rock Sheds Alp Grüm, Poschiavo, Grigioni
Ingegneria strutturale / Structural engineering: Conzett Bronzini Partner, Coira

Surélevation Rue de Lausanne / Upward Extention on the Rue de Lausanne, Genève
Architecture / Architecture: Lacroix Chessex, Genève

Belle Terre – pièces urbaines A1 et B / Belle Terre – Plots A1 and B, Thônex, Genève
Architecture / Architecture: Atelier Bonnet, Genève (y compris projet urbain); LRS Lin.Robbe.Seiler, Genève; Jaccaud + Associés, Genéve; BCMA Bassi Carella Marello Architectes, Genève

Ecole primaire de Riaz / Riaz Elementary School, Riaz, Fribourg
Architecture / Architecture: FAZ architectes, Genève

Atelier Hawkesbury / Atelier Hawkesbury, New South Wales, Australie
Architecture / Architecture: Leopold Banchini Architects, Genève

Uniqlo Flagship-Store, Tokio / Uniqlo Flagship Store, Tokyo, Tokio, Japan
Architektur / Architecture: Herzog & de Meuron, Basel

Genossenschaftshaus Warmbächli / Warmbächli Cooperative House, Bern
Architektur / Architecture: BHSF Architekten, Zürich

Genossenschaftshaus Abakus / Abakus Cooperative House, Basel
Architektur / Architecture: Stereo Architektur, Basel/Zürich

Zentrum Brütten – Alterswohnen / Brütten Town Center – Senior Living, Brütten, Zürich
Architektur / Architecture: Roider Giovanoli Architekten, Zürich

Negrellisteg Zürich / Negrelli Footbridge Zurich, Zürich
Architektur / Architecture: 10:8 Architekten, Zürich; Conzett Bronzini Partner, Chur; Diggelmann + Partner, Bern

Ofenturm Ziegelei-Museum / Kiln Tower, Ziegelei-Museum, Cham, Zug
Architektur / Architecture: Boltshauser Architekten, Zürich, mit Studierenden der ETH Zürich und TU München

K118 Kopfbau Halle 118 / K118 Head-End Building Hall 118, Winterthur
Architektur / Architecture: Baubüro in situ, Basel/Zürich

Schulhaus Azmoos / Elementary School Azmoos, Azmoos, St. Gallen
Architektur / Architecture: Felgendreher Olfs Köchling Architekten, Berlin

Zollhaus Zürich / Zollhaus Zurich, Zürich
Architektur / Architecture: Enzmann Fischer Partner, Zürich

Studierendenwohnhaus Rosengarten / Rosengarten Student Housing, Zürich
Architektur / Architecture: Atelier Scheidegger Keller, Zürich

Landskronhof / Landskronhof, Basel
Architektur / Architecture: HHF Architekten, Basel

Hofbebauung Riehenring / Riehenring Courtyard Development, Basel
Architektur / Architecture: Jessenvollenweider, Basel

Genossenschaftssiedlung Vogelsang / Vogelsang Cooperative Complex, Winterthur
Architektur / Architecture: Knapkiewicz & Fickert Architekten, Zürich




To the official website
SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook

​‘SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook’ is supported by:

SAY Project Partners:
Stiftung Architektur Schweiz SAS
BSA Bund Schweizer Architektinnen und Architekten
werk, bauen+wohnen
S AM Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum

SAY Project Supporters:
Bundesamt für Kultur BAK
Ernst Göhner Stiftung
Pro Helvetia
Pini Group SA
schauraum b

Exhibition Supporters:

S AM Supporters:
Kanton Basel-Stadt
Christoph Merian Stiftung

S AM Sponsor:
ComputerWorks AG

S AM Partners:
Karl Bubenhofer AG
Gremper AG










Upcoming exhibitions

05.04. - 14.09.2025

What Was Could Be: Experiments Between Preservation and Architecture

In the shift towards sustainable building practice, work with the existing and thus the methods of historic preservation gain new relevance.

27.09. - 09.11.2025

SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook

What defines Swiss architecture? The exhibition focuses on current construction and renovation projects with the aim of raising awareness about Swiss building culture and increase its visibility.
Curated by the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum and the magazine werk, bauen+wohnen.

29.11.2025 - 19.04.2026

Housing for Housing: The cooperative as a laboratory for coexistence

The exhibition presents cooperative housing regionally, nationally and internationally as a laboratory of non-profit-oriented cohabitation from which the entire city can benefit.