21.05. - 25.09.2016

André M. Studer. On the measure of things

André M. Studer adopted a special position of significance in post-war Swiss architecture. His expressive organic language of forms was inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright. Based on theories of harmonic proportion, Studer developed his own concept of holistic architecture. Influential figures such as Sigfried Giedion, Werner M. Moser and Bernhard Hoesli described him as one of the most talented in his generation. From the mid-1950s onwards, Studer realised several major sacral structures, as well as around 30 residential buildings, for which he also designed the interiors and furnishings in most cases. He also drew up competition entries and projects for futuristic-looking holiday complexes, large residential complexes, complete town plans, cultural buildings, hospital buildings and for a large number of Catholic churches. As an individualist, he kept his distance from the predominant networks of architects and remained relatively unknown amongst the general public. At the end of the 1980s, he withdrew from the architecture scene, closed down his architectural office and devoted himself to spirituality.

A coproduction with the Archives of the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta) at ETH Zurich.



26.05.2016, 18 Uhr: Öffentliche Führung
05.06.2016, 14 Uhr: Öffentliche Führung
12.06.2016, 14 Uhr Exkursion: Lassalle – Haus 
16.06.2016, 18:00: Öffentliche Führung
22.06.2016 10–12 Uhr: Mittwochs-Matinée im S AM
26.06.2016 ab 11 Uhr: Kinderworkshop : Brett, Steg, Saite – Wie baut man ein Monochord?
30.06.2016 19 Uhr: Gespräch: Markus Wespi und Hubertus Adam 
14.07.2016, 18 Uhr: Öffentliche Führung
28.07.2016, 18 Uhr: Öffentliche Führung
11.08.2016, 18 Uhr: Öffentliche Führung
18.08.2016 19 Uhr: Führung: Das gta Archiv und der Nachlass von André M. Studer mit Daniel Weiss
25.08.2016, 18 Uhr: Öffentliche Führung
27.08.2016 ab 11 Uhr: Exkursion: Kirche St. Elisabeth, Kilchberg; Wohnhaus Studer, Gockhausen; Kirche St. Andreas, Uster
28.08.2016, 14 Uhr: Öffentliche Führung
08.09.2016, 18 Uhr: Öffentliche Führung
15.09.2016 19 Uhr: Vortrag: Schweizer Architektur? Das Habitat Marocain von Hentsch und Studer in Casablanca, von Sascha Roesler 
18:09.2016, 14 Uhr: Öffentliche Führung
22.09.2016, 18 Uhr: Öffentliche Führung

Upcoming exhibitions

05.04. - 14.09.2025

What Was Could Be: Experiments Between Preservation and Architecture

In the shift towards sustainable building practice, work with the existing and thus the methods of historic preservation gain new relevance.

27.09. - 09.11.2025

SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook

What defines Swiss architecture? The exhibition focuses on current construction and renovation projects with the aim of raising awareness about Swiss building culture and increase its visibility.
Curated by the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum and the magazine werk, bauen+wohnen.

29.11.2025 - 19.04.2026

Housing for Housing: The cooperative as a laboratory for coexistence

The exhibition presents cooperative housing regionally, nationally and internationally as a laboratory of non-profit-oriented cohabitation from which the entire city can benefit.