24.05. - 24.05.2024

The View from Here: SIA Master’s Prize Winners in Their Own Words

6 PM

Every year since being relaunched in 2022, the SIA Master’s Prize has recognized the best master’s theses in architecture from throughout Switzerland. Each year, an independent jury awards three prizes and five commendations from a group of 35 theses nominated by the nine Swiss universities with master's degree programs.
To mark the opening of the exhibition ‘Sign of the Times,’ which presents the results of the SIA Master’s Prize 2022 and 2023, this event provides an opportunity to meet the authors of the six prizewinning projects in person.
In a series of short presentations in Pecha Kucha format, the speakers will introduce their research and designs, whose diverse topics range from concepts for the reuse of building components to urban-development visions for the periphery and large-scale landscape transformations. 

The presentations will be followed by the exhibition vernissage (7 PM) and a reception.

With presentations by:
Raphaël Bitzi (‘Big Boxes Are Not Always the Best Gifts’, SIA Master’s Prize 2022)
Sandro Hauser (‘Alpine Rekomposition‘, SIA Master’s Prize 2022)
Ralf Schweizer & David Roth (‘Das Unfertighaus’, SIA Master’s Prize 2022)
Leslie Majer (‘Nobody Is an Island’, SIA Master’s Prize 2023)
Olga Cobuscean (‘Hotel Național’, SIA Master’s Prize 2023)
Marie-Ange Farrell & Manuel Rossi (‘Paris, Transit’, SIA Master’s Prize 2023)

Venue: Foyer of the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum
Admission: free
Langauge: English