27.06. - 27.06.2023

Summer School ‘Filming the City’: Feierabendbier – Narrating the City


As part of the Summer School  ‘Filming the City’ with Beka & Lemoine, the S AM invites all interested to join a special  ‘Feierabendbier’ event featuring international guests on Tuesday, 27 June. In this session of after-work drinks and discussion, two fellows from the European architecture platform LINA, Studio Lemonot (Sabrina Morreale and Lorenzo Perri, London/Prato) and Urban Mythologies (Francesca Cocchiara and Sergios Strigklogiannis, Athens), will present their own research on the theme of narrativizing space. What methodologies exist to represent the narratives and associations that we create about the cities we inhabit? What can architects or other urban practitioners learn from paying closer attention to these urban narratives? The presentations will be followed by a Q&A and informal discussion.

Come join us for a drink or two – we look forward to seeing you!

Location: KLYBEQ PORTE, Mauerstrasse 1, 4057 Basel
Admission: free
Language: English
In collaboration with KLYBEQ PORTE 

In cooperation with LINA, the European architecture platform
Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Francesca Cocchiara is an architect from Cagliari, Italy. Having lived and worked in many international cities, she has developed a strong interest in how people shape their own environment and vice versa. Sergios Strigklogiannis is an architect from Rhodos, Greece and researcher at the National Technical University of Athens focusing on the urban commons, collective memory, and participatory urbanism. They live and work in Athens, a city that inspired them to analyze complex urban realities and diverse imaginaries. Believing in the power of storytelling, they initiated the project ‘Urban Mythologies’. Their intent is to reveal otherwise invisible urban issues and narrate them through the city's untold stories, myths, and tales.

Sabrina Morreale and Lorenzo Perri are architects, educators and founding partners of Lemonot - a platform for spatial and relational practices, architecture and performative arts. They lead ADS7 at the Royal College of Art and they’re now based between London and Italy. Their projects re-invent the relationship between the urban fabric and human rituals through a wide range of media: pavilions, exhibitions, short films and designed performances. They constantly seek new forms of togetherness and conviviality, with a contextual yet transterritorial approach that aims to detect, celebrate and trigger the spontaneous theatre of everyday life.

LINA, the European architecture platform, is a network connecting prominent cultural players with emerging practitioners and thinkers in architecture. The LINA Architecture Program is carried out by its members: architectural museums, universities, research networks, foundations, triennials, biennials, and other high-profile European and Mediterranean architectural organizations. Each year, they offer the chance for LINA fellows to become part of their program, feature their work through lectures, workshops, mentorships, or other collaborative formats, and help their ideas reach further and gain an international audience.