24.02. - 24.02.2020

Short lectures by Theo Deutinger / Andreas Kofler, conversation between Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Prof. Milica Topalovic, Andreas Ruby

4–6 PM

Short lectures by Theo Deutinger, architect and author, and Andreas Kofler, Curator S AM, followed by a conversation between Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, architect and designer; Prof. Milica Topalovic, ETH Zurich; and Andreas Ruby, Director S AM. Organised as part of the lecture series ‘Sessions on Territory – Urbanism Beyond Technofix, Technology’ by the ETH Zurich Department of Architecture’s Architecture of Territory chair.

Location: ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, Zurich
Admission: free
Further information:  topalovic.arch.ethz.ch