Pop-Up Exhibition Forum Städtebau «Basel 2050»
12 AM-6 PM
Since 2020, the Forum Städtebau 'Basel 2050' has been illuminating and discussing the urban development of Basel from yesterday, today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
Parallel to the first Architekturwoche Basel and Open House Basel, S&A Städtebau & Architektur and S AM Swiss Architecture Museum present a retrospective of the exchange to date in the form of a pop-up exhibition that is showcased around the Basel city model in the Building and Transport Department at Dufourstrasse 40. In this context, S&A also presents for the first time the urban planning 'Position 2022', the state of the art of the previous findings of the Forum Städtebau 'Basel 2050'.
Furthermore, the Department of Construction and Transport presents the 'City Climate Concept' for climate-adapted settlement development and mitigation of heat development, gives — together with the Office for the Environment (AUE) — an insight into the topic of sponge city using the example of the urban district development VoltaNord and presents — in cooperation with the Trinational Eurodistrict Basel (TEB) — the cross-border project 3Land.
An event by: S&A Städtebau & Architektur, Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt in cooperation with S AM Swiss Architecture Museum.
In the framework of: Forum Städtebau 'Basel 2050'
Venue: Dufourstrasse 40, 4051 Basel
Photo: Tom Bisig © Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt