14.03. - 14.03.2024

Dialogue Tour with the Basler Heimatschutz through the exhibition ‘What if’

6 PM

As part of the Basel History Days 2024 (March 11 to 16), a dialogical tour of the S AM exhibition 'What if' will take place with the Basel Heritage Society. 

Only a few countries give their population such a far-reaching and direct democratic right of co-determination in the design of architecture and urban development as Switzerland. In addition, associations such as the Swiss Heritage Society (SHS) can exercise their right of appeal, for example to protect specific townscapes. On the one hand, these procedures have resulted in a globally unique, democratically ratified architecture, but on the other, they have also prevented numerous projects from making the country's architectural history. 

Whether lost, rejected, stalled or changed... there are a large number of architectural designs that are still being talked about in Switzerland, even if they were never realised or were significantly altered. For the exhibition 'What if', the S AM, in consultation with almost two dozen architectural institutions from all parts of the country, has made a representative selection from this almost infinite pool of projects. The dialogue-based tour with Heimatschutz Basel revisits some of these projects and discusses if and how eventual building consultations and negotiations have led to mutual agreements and improvements.

Basler Heimatschutz: Marc Keller, Hans-Peter Thür
S AM: Andreas Kofler

Admission: CHF 12, reduced CHF 8
The guided tour is free with the ticket Basler Geschichtstage.
During the Basler Geschichtstage (11.-16.2.2024), the BGT ticket entitles you to reduced admission to the S AM.

Picture: Architect Martin H. Burckhardt on the construction site of the new headquarters of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, 1972 © Bank for International Settlements Archive, Basel