S AM Calls: Eyal Weizman on Instagram Live
2/7/2020, 7 PM (CEST)
S AM Calls: Eyal Weizman, founding director of Forensic Architecture and Professor of Spatial and Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, University of London
«S AM Calls» is a series of Instagram Live conversations with practitioners and thinkers from the world of architecture on the pressing questions driving the built environment today.
On Thursday, 2 July 2020, at 7 PM (CEST) please join us on our Instagram page (@s_am_basel) for the next «S AM Calls» conversation between S AM Director Andreas Ruby and Eyal Weizman.
Weizman is Professor for Spatial and Visual Cultures as well as founding director of the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths, University of London. He also serves on the board of trustees of the Centre for Investigative Journalism and the Technology Advisory Board of the International Criminal Court in the Hague. In 2010, Weizman founded Forensic Architecture, a research agency based at Goldsmiths, University of London, which investigates human rights violations as well as cases involving political violence and environmental destruction. Working with or on behalf of victims, human rights organisations, international criminal investigators, or environmental justice groups and media organisations, the agency applies state-of-the-art methods of forensic and spatial analysis in order to dissect architectural, urban and territorial spaces.
A selection of investigations by Forensic Architecture – «The Killing of Tahir Elçi», «Killing in Umm al-Hiran», «Sea Watch vs. the Libyan Coastguard», and «The Killing of Halit Yozgat» – are currently on view in the exhibition «Under the Radar». As part of an update of the show in relation with COVID-19, these have been recently joined by an additional investigation: «Pushbacks Across the Evros/Meriç River», which documents the violence exercised against migrants and refugees in the Greek-Turkish border zone. The conversation will touch on topics such as the methodology of Forensic Architecture, alternative models of practicing architecture, and what it means to be an investigative architect.
All conversations take place in English and are recorded. If you missed the previous conversations with Jacques Herzog, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Ludovica Molo, Richard Hassell, Ana Puigjaner, Theo Deutinger or Jeanne Gang you can catch up on our Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube channels.
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More to follow – stay tuned!