25.05. - 29.09.2019

Swim City

Opening: 24/5/2019, 7 pm

‘Swim City’ is the first exhibition to draw attention to a particular contemporary phenomenon in urban space: river swimming as a mass movement. Swiss cities have played a pioneering role in the development of this activity in the last few decades, gradually making the river accessible as a natural public space in the built environment. This has allowed for the river to become a place of leisure located right in front of one's doorstep. The rest of the world looks on in awe at this bathing culture. Here, cities abroad see an example of how they can reclaim their river areas as a spatial resource, so as to sustainably improve the quality of urban life. The exhibition shows the unique characteristics and historic development of river swimming in Basel, Bern, Zurich and Geneva. An immersive film installation allows visitors to experience these four cities from the perspective of a swimmer in the river. In addition, the exhibition presents contemporary river-swimming projects from around the world: Flussbad Berlin, POOL IS COOL (Brüssel), Thames Baths (London), Ilot Vert (Paris), Charles River Swimming Initiative (Boston) and  +POOL (New York).

The exhibition is curated by: 
Barbara Buser, Andreas Ruby, Yuma Shinohara
Film installation: Jürg Egli
Photography: Lucía de Mosteyrín

Publication: S AM – Andreas Ruby, Yuma Shinohara (HG. / ED.): Swim City.
Christoph Merian Verlag, ISBN 978-3-85616-889-6,
German / English, 224 p., CHF 39.–

The exhibition and the publication were supported by:

Exhibition Partners:
Sulger Stiftung
Future Architecture Platform
Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

die Mobiliar
GGG Basel
denkstatt sàrl
Analyze – Jürg Egli
Ochsner Sport
Meyer–Spinnler AG

Media Partner Exhibition:

Publication Partner:
Christoph Merian Stiftung

S AM Supporters:
Abteilung Kultur des Kantons Basel-Stadt
Christoph Merian Stiftung

S AM Sponsors:
ComputerWorks AG
Zumtobel Licht AG
Truninger AG

S AM Partners:
SIA Schweizerischer Ingenieur und Architektenverein
Levante Software
Karl Bubenhofer AG

S AM Media Partner:

Accompanying Programme

24/5/2019: 7 PM
Public Opening

25/5/2019: 11 AM–3.30 PM
Symposium: ‹River Tactics›
 with representatives from:
Location: Alte Universität, Rheinsprung 9/11, Basel
Admission: free

18/6/, 20/6/, 4/9/ & 5/9/2019: 6–9 PM
Tours in and along the Rhine​: ‹Aqua Incognita›

with curator Barbara Buser, with reception afterwards
meeting point: Münsterfähre stop in Grossbasel
Language: German
Fee: CHF 50.–
Registration: event@sam-basel.org

19/6/2019: 10 AM–12 PM
Wednesday-Mattinée in the S AM

Language: German
Admission: CHF 10.– (red. CHF 5.–)

27/6/, 25/7/, 29/8/ & 12/9/2019: 6 PM
Public guided tours in German
(except for 25.7.2019 English)
Admission: CHF 12.– (red. CHF 8.–) tour free

1/–5/7/ & 5/–9/8/2019: 9 AM–5 PM
Summer holiday programme for children aged 6–11:
‘We’ll take our place – in the water and on land – and explore Basel’s public space’
Language: German
Fee: CHF 250.–
Registration: https://www.basler-ferienpass.ch/fp/ (Kreativangebot 104)

25/8/2019: 11 AM–12.30 PM
Family Sunday: tour for parents and workshop for children aged 5–11
Language: German
Admission: children CHF 5.–
adults CHF 20.–


Upcoming exhibitions

05.04. - 14.09.2025

What Was Could Be: Experiments Between Preservation and Architecture

In the shift towards sustainable building practice, work with the existing and thus the methods of historic preservation gain new relevance.

27.09. - 09.11.2025

SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook

What defines Swiss architecture? The exhibition focuses on current construction and renovation projects with the aim of raising awareness about Swiss building culture and increase its visibility.
Curated by the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum and the magazine werk, bauen+wohnen.

29.11.2025 - 19.04.2026

Housing for Housing: The cooperative as a laboratory for coexistence

The exhibition presents cooperative housing regionally, nationally and internationally as a laboratory of non-profit-oriented cohabitation from which the entire city can benefit.