29.04. - 29.07.2012

Constructing Community. The First Goetheanum in Photos and Documents

The exhibition begins with a photograph of the ruins after the fire in 1922 and ends with the design sketches of the project that had been initially conceived beginning in 1911–and then ultimately failed—in Munich and afterwards in 1913 was transferred to Dornach. No longer planned at the centre of the city but rather at the edge of a village there was a change in gestalt. The exhibition intentionally presents the chronology in reverse: a building that no longer exists is portrayed at the beginning; one, that doesn’t exist yet at the end. Travelling backwards everything has its ‘right’ place in the succession: first the plans, then the workers, followed by the mediatisation through photography, the building process and finally the end of the building.

Upcoming exhibitions

05.04. - 14.09.2025

What Was Could Be: Experiments Between Preservation and Architecture

In the shift towards sustainable building practice, work with the existing and thus the methods of historic preservation gain new relevance.

27.09. - 09.11.2025

SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook

What defines Swiss architecture? The exhibition focuses on current construction and renovation projects with the aim of raising awareness about Swiss building culture and increase its visibility.
Curated by the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum and the magazine werk, bauen+wohnen.

29.11.2025 - 19.04.2026

Housing for Housing: The cooperative as a laboratory for coexistence

The exhibition presents cooperative housing regionally, nationally and internationally as a laboratory of non-profit-oriented cohabitation from which the entire city can benefit.