S AM Tours

The S AM Swiss Architecture Museum provides diverse architectural guided tours to the most interesting buildings in Basel and its surroundings. As one of the most important European centres for 20th-century architecture, Basel has an abundance of outstanding classic modernist and contemporary structures.

The S AM tours are geared towards groups (5-20 participants) of people with a general interest in culture, as well as professionals from all fields of architecture. The competently guided tours (on foot, by coach, or via public transport) are prepared and conducted by qualified experts. Each programme is individually compiled (and its duration chosen) on the basis of consultations and offered in four different languages (German, English, French and Italian).

Ms Cassens-Stoian will be happy to provide you with additional information and assistance regarding the planning and preparation of your architectural guided tour in and around Basel.

Linda Cassens-Stoian
S AM Tours
T: +41 (0)61 322 60 03
E: tours@sam-basel.org