01.11.2014 - 22.02.2015

Constructing Text. Swiss Architecture Under Discussion

Architects are visually informed people, and the fact that the present is strongly informed by visual media has drawn worldwide attention to an iconic architecture in the recent past. Nevertheless, text is also an important medium for architecture. It contributes to mediation wherever plans are not adequate and images play a subordinate role, if any – for instance on the radio or in daily newspapers. It can serve the purpose of localisation and classification of architectural positions, for instance in journals and books. However, text can also be a helpful tool for architects, with which to reflect on their own work in an abstract manner. At the same time, there are very different kinds of text and very different attitudes: description, analysis, essay, polemic, slating review…

The intention of the exhibition "Architecture and text" is to use selected examples to clarify how architecture can be spoken and written about. After the exhibition "Building images" in winter 2012/2013, S AM director Hubertus Adam is thus examining another medium that is important to architecture, and assessing its relevance and potential.


Accompanying Programme:

31.10.2014, 7 PM: Opening
06.11.2014, 6 PM: Public Guided Tour
13.11.2014, 2-7 PM: Writing Class
20.11.2014, 6 PM: Public Guided Tour
27.11.2014, 7 PM: Literature Quartet
04.12.2014, 6 PM: Public Guided Tour
15.01.2015, 6 PM: Public Guided Tour
16.01.2015, 6 PM - 2 AM: Basel Museums Night
22.01.2015, 7 PM: Panel Discussion
29.01.2015, 6 PM: Public Guided Tour
29.01.2015, 7 PM: Guided Architecture & Graffiti Tour
05.02.2015, 7 PM: Lecture
08.02.2015, 10 AM - 12 PM: Text Workshop for Children
12.02.2015, 6 PM: Public Guided Tour
18.02.2015, 10 AM - 12 PM: Wednesday Matinee

The Exhibition is supported by:

Kulturförderung Kanton Graubünden / SWISSLOS
Kulturförderung Kanton Luzern / SWISSLOS
Stiftung für Medienvielfalt
Möbel Pfister AG
Philips AG

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