12.04. - 12.04.2018

Vortrag von Khondaker Hasibul Kabir: Co-creating space

19 Uhr
Vortragsreihe im Rahmen der Ausstellung «Bengal Stream».  
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt!

If the architects of Bangladesh want to take architectural services to all, how can they reach the other 90% population of the country? Through the traditional architectural education and practice architects are hopelessly failing to reach there.
“We” need to find a new process to address the issue. We need to work with two “invisible” yet important communities – (1. Spontaneous human communities and 2. Spontaneous nature communities) to find our ways towards a sustainable future. It has to be co-creation process where everything/everyone has a role to play. As part of nature we can learn how nature co-creates and scale-up. It is a decentralized, nonhierarchical and organic process where there is only beginnings. However it grows/transforms with unending possibilities in its own rhythm. It’s an organic system that takes time to connect with all of its parts. Once it is connected with all of its parts it flourishes very fast keeping the balance of the system and with other systems. We need to take architecture as part of this system.  
The lecture intends to highlight the importance of co-creation in space making process with low-income communities in rural and urban areas of Bangladesh. 

Khondaker Hasibul Kabir
Currently Kabir is based in Jhenaidah, a secondary city of Bangladesh, and engaged with City-wide Community Upgrading process. He is the co-founder of Co.Creation.Architects that serves mainly the low-income communities to plan and co-create better communities by themselves. He is on leave from the Department of Architecture, BRAC University, where he teaches architecture and landscape. He worked on disaster resilient housing projects in Bangladesh, Haiti and in Nepal. After receiving bachelor degree in Architecture from BUET, Bangladesh, he qualified with Master of Architectue in Landscape Design from the University of Sheffield, UK. He followed a postgraduate course in ‘Organized Self-help Housing, Planning and Management’ organized by Lund University, Sweden and FUPROVI, Costa Rica.He serves CAN (Community Architects Network) and POCAA (Platform of community Action and Architecure) as core team member.  His research and practice focus on ‘Ecological Landscape’ and ‘Aesthetics/Ethics in Housing and Development’. 

Three recent video links on his engagement:
With urban communities:  https://vimeo.com/253919109
With urban communities:  https://vimeo.com/246636389
With rural communities: https://vimeo.com/254166933

Ort: Ackermannshof, St. Johanns-Vorstadt 21, 4056 Basel
Eintritt: CHF 12.-, CHF 8.- erm.
Sprache: Englisch