18.06. - 18.06.2017

Streetpong@FORUM BASEL


​Call for Players "Streetpong@FORUM BASEL"
It's time to play! On the final day of the exhibition FORUM BASEL, Sunday 18th June, all pingpong lovers are invited to come to S AM Swiss Architecture Museum.

For one day, the exhibition space and its 4 tables will become the stage for an open tournament that aims to create and promote a community that continues to explore the public and social potential of the pingpong tables network around the city of Basel. Put on your shirt, bring your racket, call a friend and join us for some hours of fun and healthy competition.

10.30am - Gathering of participants and warm up (to facilitate the process, please register: pingpongforumbasel@gmail.com until 16th June afternoon, with your name and age).
11.00am - Beginning (the ending of the tournament depends on the number of participants)