S AM Dialogue: Go Hasegawa und Pascal Flammer
14 Uhr
Ziel der neuen Reihe «S AM Dialogue» ist es, den Austausch zwischen internationalen Architekten und dem Schweizer Publikum anzuregen.
Die Veranstaltung findet auf englisch statt:
In his projects Go Hasegawa has always tried to find a new image of life by controlling the proportion of architectural element. In 2012 Pascal Flammer has built his own studio house that is inspired by Japanese aesthetics. The dialogue will be on the Japanese house and its impact for the architecture in Europe.
Go Hasegawa, born 1977 in Saitama/Japan, completed the Master Course at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering of the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2002. In the same year he joined Taira Nishizawa Architects, in 2005 he established Go Hasegawa & Associates in Tokyo. Since 2009 he is lecturer at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Hosei University; since 2012 he is Visiting Professor at the Academy of Architecture of Mendrisio, Switzerland.
Pascal Flammer, born 1973 in Fribourg/Switzerland, studied architecture at the ETH Zurich, Lausanne and the TU Delft. He opened his practice in 2005 and has won several national and international awards. Pascal gained his experience through his time at Valerio Olgiati, where he worked from 1998 until 2005. He has taught at the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, the GSD at Harvard University and at the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam. He is currently teaching at the ETH Zurich.
Eintritt: CHF 12.-, erm. CHF 8.- (für S AM Mitglieder ist der Eintritt gratis)